Grassroots Coaching

6 key triggers for coaching switching play effectively

Switching play is a very effective way of dragging and pulling an organised defence around the pitch and creating holes and space that your team can exploit to create goalscoring opportunities.

Watch the video to see the 6 triggers for coaching switching play effectively.

  1. If the ball is on one side of the pitch, the space to switch play will be on the opposite side of the pitch
  2. The player on the ball will need support, with good angles and distance of support, both behind and in front of the ball
  3. As the ball is passed, either forward or backwards, this is the trigger for the opposite wide player to time their movement into the opposite wide area for the “switch”
  4. Quick, but accurate passing. Ideally switch play in one pass, but if not two or three quick accurate passes.
  5. Good communication both verbally and with hand gestures between players
  6. Exploit the switch of play and the space created with a shot, killer pass or dangerous cross

coach switch play


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Assessment Level 2 Assessment UEFA B