Grassroots Coaching

Becoming a referee

TV Presenter, Tim Lovejoy takes part in a referee taster day at Liverpool County FA. Professional referee Chris Foy and Martin Keown also take part.

Chris and Martin inject a humorous approach to refereeing. Referees are seen as serious, officious, studious and boring. Well perhaps many of them are. But football needs them desperately and what is a game without ref’s?

England needs 8,000 new referees and maybe this video will inspire many to take it up.

Tim referees an actual match and his highlight? He enjoyed running backwards!

Have you ever fancied yourself as a football coach or a referee? Do you like the idea, but don’t have the time to get involved? Well, did you know that the vast majority of grass roots coaches and referees have full time jobs outside of football?

Football needs more trained coaches and referees in order to keep the game running. What’s stopping you?

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