Coaching News

23 Apr 2018
How to encourage parent participation
Taking part is what counts, but what if the problem with participation does not lay with the players, but instead the parents. We know all too well the negatives of over-involvement when it comes to coaching and tactical decisions from the sideline, but being the head coach isn't the only way to contribute to your youth football team. Here are 5 ways we think you can entice your player's parents and get more involvement off the pitch.

13 Apr 2016
Football Coaching Repetition Without Being Repetitious
One of the messages that came out of the FA Level 2 Youth Award is that for players to learn and improve as players, they have to repetitively practice techniques and skills. But, if coaches only put on sessions where the players repeatedly practice the same thing, then very quickly, lose motivation and become bored. As a result, they become disinterested and sloppy and the whole process becomes self defeating.

15 Feb 2016
Teams progress in the FA People’s Cup
The FA People’s Cup semi-finals take place over the weekend of 27/28 February across eight regional venues. The first round saw 35,000 participants turn out for teams at 120 venues dotted around the country.

13 Feb 2016
St. George’s Park hosts 200 coach mentors
St. George's Park has welcomed a workforce of over 200 coach mentors from across the game for a series of workshops and coaching sessions, as the programme geared up for 2016.