Grassroots Coaching

interesting perspective on Englands defeat

Here is an extract from a very interesting perspective on England’s defeat at the hands of Germany from Mick Rathbone.

27th June 2010 was THE FINEST day ever for English football, in my opinion. OK the team played very poorly against Germany and lost 4-1 but to me, a patriotic Englishman and a traditionalist, there are only positives to be gained from this result.  And here’s why:

  1. Despite the size and nature of the defeat, the despair of Lampard’s disallowed goal, who our opponents were and the importance of the game – there was not a single arrest of an English supporter. Not, I repeat, one solitary arrest! That makes me so proud to be English.
  2. No England player feigned injury to get another player sent off or dived in an attempt to get a penalty. When you look at some of the antics of lets be fair virtually all the other teams, it makes me so proud to be English
  3. The myth about foreign managers, coaches, physios and fitness coaches being better than us is finally, completely, utterly and permanently expounded.  The Italian faction are clearly now proven to be no better than their English counterparts. Indeed there seems to be a suggestion that their legendary extensive preparation and attention to detail, has had the opposite effect and left the players physically and more importantly mentally exhausted. He will almost certainly be the last foreign manager. Having a foreign manager in charge of the English national team, in my opinion, is simply wrong and if we had actually won the World Cup there would have been a part of me regretting it!  A great result for English football.
  4. Finally it seems that the penny has dropped. There are far too many foreign players in the Premier league and they are restricting the development of young English players and putting our national team into decline.  Now in light of the debacle in South Africa there must be a redressing of the balance so that once again there is hope for the future of the English game at international level. A great day for English football!

Mick has recently launched ‘Crossing The White Line’, a range of sports services from motivational speaking and lecturing on sports injuries to after dinner speaking.  To find out more about Crossing The White Line and the services available, e-mail Mick at

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Football News