Grassroots Coaching

The Japanese Sniper

The Japanese Sniper is back! It has been a while since the pesky Japanese sniper, hiding away in tall trees or dense undergrowth on coaching courses has struck, but he claimed a new victim on a recent UEFA B Course in Kent.

A student, who had been on a UEFA B course I ran in Surrey last year, volunteered his time and energy to participate on a recent UEFA B course in Kent. It was a great gesture and given he could only commit to one day on a course where he didn’t know any one, was keen to make a good impression.

I introduced him to the students, said he had kindly volunteered his time to help them out and bigged him up a bit as to his playing standards.” Brett”, I said, “has kindly volunteered his services as a player on the course. His best days are far behind him as you can all see and I have seen him play and not to be too unkind, I just hope he has managed to put his boots on the right feet today”!!

With that welcome, the first game started. Brett was playing in midfield. He started the game very brightly and enthusiastically and was very vocal, calling for the ball, encouraging players and generally putting in a lot of hard work off the ball. The game had been going for about three minutes and Brett still hadn’t touched the ball, when suddenly he found himself in space, the ball rolling towards him. This was his chance to impress his new comrades in arms. With great intent and concentration he sprinted towards the ball, a shooting chance was on! When suddenly and no one heard the shot, the Japanese sniper shot him. Down went Brett tantalisingly close to the ball, but not quite making contact. His legs gave way and he fell in a heap at the edge of the area. The opposition nicked possession and broke away to score. I don’t know how, because all the players were in hysterics. Poor old Brett!!

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