Grassroots Coaching

Time to step up to the plate Boys!

Without being too patriotic, I feel that England, whilst not having the strength of depth in the squad, has potentially three players who, if England are to do well..and maybe, just maybe, win the World Cup; have to perform to their very best, on footballs biggest stage.

Step forward, Wayne Rooney, Stevie Gerrard and Frank lampard. To be considered true greats and legends, these three in particular need to show the World that they can display their club and European form in the white hot, pressurised atmosphere of the World Cup.

All three are recognised as the very best in the Premier League. All three have displayed great form for their clubs in the UEFA champions League against the World’s best players and teams. History has shown that there have been many great players over the years. But how many are considered legends? What indeed makes a legend? In my humble view, the legends are the players who have captured the Worlds attention and driven their country forward to success at the World Cup.

These three have the talent, the drive, the pedigree and now the opportunity to go from being very good, if not great players to being legends of the game. If they do, I really think England have an outstanding opportunity to with the World Cup.

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