Grassroots Coaching

Tricky Referee Decisions

Here are a few more tricky decisions that any person who coaches or knows the game should be able to answer


A defender takes a throw in and throws the ball back to his goalkeeper. The ball goes directly into the goal before the goalkeeper touches it. Is it a goal?


No goal. A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw in. In this case a corner kick is awarded to the opposition team.


Would it be in order for the kicker to remove the corner flag post before taking a corner kick?


No the corner area provides ample room for player to take a corner kick. The flag post it must not be removed.


If a player take a corner kicks the ball directly against a goal post and the ball returns to the kicker may he then play again?


The corner taker may not play the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player. An indirect free kick is awarded from them where the ball was played for the second time by the kicker.


If the ball goes directly into the goal from a corner would the goal be allowed?



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Football News