Grassroots Coaching

Developing power shooting in your players

Virtually all of the top strikers can create and take long range shooting opportunities. They have a positive attitude to shooting from distance and apply a controlled, effective shooting technique. Drills are great for mastering the technique of power shooting, but conditioned games that create lots of game related power shooting opportunities are the real deal for improving players.

This is a fast moving, dynamic game that is all about positive attitudes to creating and taking game related shooting opportunities and mastering the power shooting technique.



  • 2 x full sized goals with GK’s
  • Pitch size – 40 x 20 or area to suit age and ability, with the halfway line clearly defined.
  • Players conditioned to 3 v 1 in their own half
  • Supply of bibs and balls
  • Coach with a supply of balls to pass quickly onto the pitch if a ball goes out of play


  • Play 3 v 1 or 4 v 2 in each half of the pitch.
  • The players are conditioned to stay in their own half of the pitch.
  • The game starts with one of the goalkeepers in possession.
  • The goalkeeper serves the ball to one of the 3 or 4 players in their half of the pitch.
  • The 3 or 4 players must combine against the opposition players and show a good attitude to shoot as quickly as they can from inside their own half of the pitch.
  • Their team mate in the other half follows up the shot for any rebounds or deflections.
  • After shot, repeat game from other goalkeeper.


  • Take the game conditions off and play a normal game

Coaching Tips

  • Good, quick, positive combination play 3 v 1 to create long range shooting opportunities in own half
  • Good movement to find space and good communication between players
  • Positive attitude to take shooting opportunities when they arise – “If you don’t buy a ticket, you don’t win the lottery”
  • Can the shooting player get their head up prior to the shot so they can see the distance, angle, defenders and GK positions- this will help them make good decisions on when and how to shoot – first time shot, control and shoot?
  • Correct technique to hit the target – bend it, power shot, power side foot?
  • Technique for power shooting from distance
  • Players not shooting to follow up for rebounds or mishit shots
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Attacking Sessions FA Level 2 UEFA B